
Backpage Miami

Backpage Miami

The final ad platform I will discuss in my blog series is BACKPAGE MIAMI.


Backpage would be 19 years old today if it hadn’t been shut down last year. It was a behemoth of a website with marketing reach in all seven continents! I have advertised on Backpage Miami (and other cities) with excellent results. As a matter of fact a few of my long-time regular clients were acquired through backpage.


Even though backpage received a lot of flack, its layout was basic but extremely easy to navigate. However, that website is long gone now and I highly doubt that it will ever return. The best thing for both the gentlemen and ladies to do is to move on to other websites that are available online. Just google your city name + escorts and pay attention to the top five results. Just make sure you do your research on any new website because there have been several predatory websites that popped up, right after the backpage shutdown in attempts to take advantage of the panic and chaos. Be careful out there ladies and gentlemen!


Backpage used to be number 1 in practically the entire world because it had a significant amount of traffic and users. The mere fact that ladies had to log on to bump their ads to the top of the page several times a day, was enough to put them at the top of every search engine. Even today, they are still somewhat ranking; either at the very bottom of the page or the top of the second page of a google search, and that’s with zero traffic! I doubt that any other website will ever be able to emulate the same success as backpage, but it would be nice to see who tries.


Backpage was very easy to use, you were able to post an ad in under 10 minutes because your ad went live as soon as you made payment. It was great for last minute tours and ladies that didn’t want to advertise in advance, but live in the moment and make money as they saw fit. Nowadays, you have to wait to get your ad approved, because most of the existing websites are taking care to make sure they are not the next target of the feds. They have to actually go through your ad and make sure you’re not using ‘trigger words’ for prostitution, and that you are not using the pictures of someone that looks like a minor. I don’t see this as a bad thing; nothing in life is constant. We all have to adjust with change or exit the industry all together (which some ladies have done).


I’m still hearing many ladies complain about the shutdown of backpage. It was such a huge money maker for a lot of ladies and they are feeling the effects of its disappearance from the industry. I would advise the ladies to look forward and tweak their marketing efforts instead of complaining. No amount of complaining will ever bring back backpage, so why waste your energy on something so unrewarding? At the end of the day, consistency and having a significant online presence is key to attracting well paying clients. Many clients will ‘google’ your name and it helps to show up on several platforms including social media. It helps you look more legitimate and trustworthy in their eyes. Just make sure the websites you opt to advertise on, have the image/brand you are trying to portray for yourself. Most importantly, TRACK YOUR MARKETING EFFORTS!

I hope my review of the different ad platforms has helped both the gentlemen and ladies get an idea of what the current top ad platforms are like, and it helps both parties find their way to each other.

Happy Seeking and Happy Returns!


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